
as a service

Hiring great talent starts with finding great talent. Get warm intros to high-quality candidates ready to talk every week!

How it works

  1. Share the job requirements.
  2. We find talent that match your needs.
  3. Get warm intros to high-quality candidates ready to talk every week!


Cheaper than running an internal process, better results! HeyHunter saves on average $10,000 per hire.

$699 per month
  • In-house recruiters on demand.
  • High quality candidates interested in you.
  • Scale hiring efforts up and down — cancel anytime.

No-brainer decision

HeyHunter!Job Boards
Price$699 per search$699 per post
Candidate QualityHighLow
Ready to TalkYesNo
Candidate ScreeningDone for youManual screening
Feedback LoopBetter results over timeNone

Focus on hiring, not hunting

Hiring is a time-sink! Stop spending countless hours viewing profiles on LinkedIn that won’t reply to you.

We’ll find exceptional candidates, so you can focus on closing candidates, not searching.